


Diatomaceous earth
We use diatomaceous earth as our flea and de-worming treatment. It is totally natural and is just as effective as the traditional harsh medicated treatments. This is an excellent way to treat your animals for fleas and ticks naturally. To humans, pets, and other mammals it feels like a fine, soft powder. For bedbugs and other insects with exoskeletons, diatomaceous earth’s millions of tiny, jagged edges mean trouble. Diatomaceous earth works by cutting up the protective waxy lipid layer on the insect’s exoskeleton,causing the insect to dry up and die.

Colloidal Silver
Colloidal silver can be used in many different ways, best described as a natural antibiotic we use it for;Topical treatment for minor wounds, sores, or skin irritationWe use it to prevent any minor infection that would arise.

Colloidal Sliver can also be taken internally when your dog is exhibiting “cold” like symptoms – runny eyes, runny nose, sneezing, and lethargic behaviours. We use this in accordance with a product called Arnica (see below), Arnica aids in healing your pet from the inside out and Colloidal silver aids in healing your pet from the outside in. Used together the results will be a much quicker healing process.

Slippery Elm
This is a must have around your house. When your animal inevitably has a bout of diarrhea we add a little bit of slippery elm to their food. Slippery Elm will help reduce inflammation of the bowels. When the bowels are inflamed, they cannot absorb water efficiently therefore causing diarrhea. With Slippery Elm, inflammation is reduced allowing the bowel to adsorb water and will begin solidifying the stool.  Although some herbs are okay for dogs, but toxic to cats, Slippery Elm is safe for both canine and feline.

Probiotics help add good bacteria to our guts and help keep the good and bad bacteria levels in check. Dogs that have chronic ear infections usually have a PH imbalance where they have an abundance of bad bacteria therefore causing issues. Keeping a healthy PH balance in the gut will insure an overall healthy digestive tract and keeps those pesky ear infections away.

Apple Cider Vinegar
Apple cider vinegar is a remedy with multiple uses for our dogs. Alleviating allergies, establishing correct PH balances and even for arthritis. You can add to your dog’s food if you notice runny nose or watery eyes, you can spray a diluted version to their skin if you see some sort of irritation. If your dog suffers from urinary tract infections, mix some diluted apple cider vinegar with plain yogurt and mix into their food, you will avoid a costly trip to the vets office and will eliminate the need for the traditional antibiotic. Apple Cider Vinegar has so many great properties, you can even use as a totally natural ear cleaning solution, wet a cotton ball with ACV it will aid with any yeast infections your pet may have.

Digestive Enzymes
Enzymes are produced in the pancreas and salivary glands, their job is to help break down certain foods such as protein, carbohydrates and fat. Unfortunately as a dog ages the production of these enzymes often slow down. If your dog is older or his/her immune system is weak, their enzyme prompting ability is impaired. Adding a daily supplement is recommended. Enzymes for dogs are extremely beneficial in promoting good health no matter what the dog’s age.

Omega Oils
Fish oils for dogs have become a popular supplement recommended not only for treating allergies and skin + coat conditions but can help in cases of kidney disease, elevated cholesterol and even arthritis. Omega oil can come in various varieties: Flax oil, salmon oil, cod liver oil etc. We like to use a fish oil from a blend of small fish, such as sardine and anchovy, because these fish are small and have a shorter life span, the mercury levels are going to be lower than that of a larger fish. Adding these oils in a capsule form, weather given whole or popped and squeezed into their food once a day, you will notice a shiny beautiful coat, and can help prevent most skin issues. Oils can also aid in lubricating joints.

Homeopathic Remedies For Dogs
Homeopathy is a system of medical therapy that uses very small doses of medicines, or remedies, that your body uses at a molecular level and heals from inside out.

  • Apis mellifica - great for bee and other insect bites. Give every 20 minutes for a few doses after a bee sting.

  • Arnica - good for general pain, stiffness due to overexertion, soreness and musculoskeletal injuries.

  • Arsenicum album - great for GI upsets from eating spoiled food where there is both vomiting and diarrhea. Give twice an hour for a few hours.

  • Borax (the remedy, not the powder) – excellent for fear of thunderstorms and fireworks. Give this at the 6c potency twice a day for a month during the season.

  • Calendula (can be used both as an oral remedy and as an external ointment) – use for skin infections or any kind of external infection. It’s a remarkable healing agent and a tube of the ointment should always be on hand to apply topically to scrapes, infections and wounds. You can also buy a tincture and dilute it 1/10 and flush any cuts or wounds with it.

  • Hepar sulphur - is wonderful to treat painful abscesses anywhere on the body and painful infected anal glands.

  • Hypericum - is an excellent remedy to give for any pain due to nerve damage or injuries to nerve-rich areas. I once closed my finger in a window and learned firsthand the wonders of Hypericum. Great for when you cut your dog’s toenails too short.

  • Myristica - phenomenal remedy for anal sac infections and chronic anal sac problems.

  • Rhus tox - for arthritis that’s better after moving around, general musculoskeletal injuries, red swollen eyes, skin infections and skin itching.

  • Ruta - fantastic for any injury to tendons or ligaments and this remedy has a real affinity for the knee so you would use it immediately after any knee or cruciate injury.

  • Silicea - pushes foreign bodies like splinters or foxtails out of the skin.

  • Ledum – the first choice for any type of puncture wound, including those from insect bites. Insect bites that require Apis will be hot and red whereas bites that require Ledum will be cool and appears bruised.

Homeopathic Remedies For Cats

One of the best herbs that will help your cats immune system. There are two main species of Echinacea that you should look for. One is the angustifolia and the other is purpurea. Purpurea is the most common for helping to boost your cats immunity. Echinacea also helps to promote antiviral activity in the body, and can help prevent further spreading of bacteria.

An essential amino acid that helps regulate the heart, vision, etc. Cats are quite special in their need for taurine because they cannot synthesise it themselves and need to take it in with their diet. If your cats are on a raw food diet, make sure organ meats are present, especially beef heart. Although taurine is present in all raw muscle meat, beef heart has a highest levels of this crucial supplement for your cats.

Ah, the king of cat herbs. Catnip is beloved by felines all over the world, and for good reason, it makes them very happy. It’s sort of like an after work cocktail for cats, relieving them of stress and nervousness. Also, if your cat is always scratching, and seems to have itchy skin, a catnip "tea bath" can soothe kitty’s skin. Catnip when sniffed by cats acts as a stimulant, however when ingested catnip will have a calming effect.

This pungent herb is best known for helping people to relax and get a good night’s sleep. Not so for Mr. Whiskers. Valerian works as a stimulant on cats; good for transforming lazy, fat cats into exercise machines. Pair this with the fact that cats actually like eating the plant and you’ve got the perfect formula for a healthy, furry feline.

Licorice Root
Not only does it taste good to your cat, licorice root is good for you, too. As a natural cortisone, licorice root can be used to soothe itchy kitties with allergies, endocrine (the endocrine gland affects metabolism, growth and mood) and digestive issues, as well as respiratory problems like colds, since it soothes mucus membranes. Other benefits of the licorice root include blood cleansing and anti-inflammatory properties, so it can be very useful for cats with arthritis.

No, this isn’t the title of a new James Bond film, but a herb that’s useful for your cat. Goldenseal can be used as a natural disinfectant on wounds, and, in conjunction with saline, may help shrink swollen eyes due to infections and allergies. Of course, with any treatment, herbal or otherwise, make sure you consult your holistic vet prior to treatment or check with your holistic natural health store.